Welcome to my shiny new website!
2nd April, 2020
Hi All,
So, here it is, my brand new website. Welcome! My husband and I did a big renovation on the old site (the only kind of reno we’ll probably ever do) and this is what we designed! I hope you like it. I’ve included a brand new page — Coming Soon — that gives a sneak peek of my new project which will be available from this site. If you’d like to know when it will drop, I’ll be letting everyone know via my newsletter (sign up in the menu) and my socials. And if you are wondering who that mysterious woman giving extreme side-eye is in the header, well, that’s me on my wedding day!
As I am writing this, the world is in the grip of the Coronavirus outbreak, a very troubling and difficult time for us all. Yet, we still have to go on amidst all this chaos and uncertainty, and so in that spirit I recently did my PhD Mid Candidature Review. I am thrilled to report that I passed with flying colours and so can continue with my PhD studies. As you can see from the pic below, I am all set for both my study and any self isolation with a gorgeous study nook and an equally gorgeous study buddy, Buckley.

In other news, the last event I attended before large gatherings were banned was Supanova Pop Culture Expo in Melbourne. It was a great weekend, and the Lady Helen books were the Expo bestseller which was a thrill.

Here I am signing stock for the Expo’s official bookseller QBD books, so if you want a signed copy of any of the three Australian Lady Helen books (or indeed ALL three) they may still have some in stock.
Stay safe and well, friends and remember to be kind to yourself and all those around you (at a safe distance, of course). Cheers, Alison